Monday, May 2, 2011

3 Months!! I have a dream....

Okay, well, I HAD a dream. I dreamed of our little girl. I dreamed she was 1 year old, and we had just 1 more year to wait for her. She had cute little pigtails, you know the kind that just sprout on top of the head, and she had really chubby cheeks. She was absolutely precious! And then you know when you wake up from a dream, and it feels real, for a few minutes anyways. Those few minutes were so wonderful. I have had dreams about my children before, with each pregnancy. They were always boys in my dreams, so I got that part right, but they never actually looked like they did in my dream. Probably because it was just a dream. So I know that I will probably be waiting more than a year for her, and that she may not have those chubby cheeks and cute pigtails, but I also know she is more than just a dream. She is real, and she is living somewhere in the Philippines, and one day, we will meet her, and love her, and bring her home, and it will last way longer than just a few minutes.

Today marks 3 months into the wait. We still don't have a name for her. I am only in the C's. Jeff is convinced we will name her a D name to keep with the pattern...since we didn't name our kids A, B, C on purpose, I have no desire to name her a D name. This might be a 2 year debate ;)

While we wait, we live......

Date night with the boys!

Austin FINALLY lost his top 2 teeth, and he looks AND talks like a completely different child!

Easter, inside because of the monsoon, we were having....

The boys are posing by the Philippine flag. Their sister is never far from their thoughts, and she is prayed for at every meal by one of the boys!